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Announcing Parseable Kubernetes Operator

· 3 min read

Kubernetes Operator pattern allows a neat bundling of the application business logic and Kubernetes API. Operators are now widespread and make it easy for end users to deploy and manage an application on a Kubernetes cluster. We are excited to announce the release of Parseable Kubernetes Operator

Logging Ecosystem: History, Types & More

· 11 min read

Log data is growing exponentially, and the boundary between log and analytical data is thinner than ever. Accordingly, logging ecosystem is evolving rapidly. In this post we look at various log collection, storage and value extraction systems in details. Read on for a deep dive.

AWS Lambda Observability without CloudWatch Logs

· 6 min read

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that allows you to run code in response to certain events. However, debugging, monitoring or audit logs of Lambda functions are tightly coupled to AWS CloudWatch, which is a leading cost driver for Enterprises. In this post, we will see how to use Parseable to ingest logs and store them in a cost effective manner on AWS S3 for longer and more meaningful analytics.

Purpose built log observability

· 7 min read

Parseable is a free and open source, purpose built log observability system. We use advancements in big data and analytics to bring best of efficiency, simplicity, and performance to log data. Learn why and how we're building Parseable.

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