This page explains the steps required to setup Parseable in a distributed mode on Kubernetes via Helm.
installed and configured to point to relevant Kubernetes cluster. -
Use S3 or a compatible object store such as MinIO to store logs.
Setup object store
This step is required only if you want to setup MinIO as the backend for Parseable. Please skip this step if you have another object store, like S3, already available.
Make sure you configure storageClass
in the helm install command.
helm repo add minio
helm install --namespace minio --create-namespace \
--set "buckets[0].name=parseable,buckets[0].policy=none,buckets[0].purge=false,rootUser=minioadmin,rootPassword=minioadmin,replicas=1,persistence.enabled=true,persistence.storageClass="",resources.requests.memory=128Mi,mode=standalone" \
minio minio/minio
kubectl port-forward svc/minio-console -n minio 9001:9001
You can now access the MinIO console on http://localhost:9001. You should see a bucket called parseable
The MinIO installation steps above are for testing purposes only. For production, please refer to the MinIO documentation.
Create configuration secret
Create a secret file with the configuration for Parseable. Note that the values set below are based on the MinIO installation above. If you are using a different object store, please update the values accordingly.
cat << EOF > parseable-env-secret
After this, create the secret in Kubernetes.
kubectl create ns parseable
kubectl create secret generic parseable-env-secret --from-env-file=parseable-env-secret -n parseable
Install Parseable
helm install parseable parseable/parseable -n parseable --set "parseable.localModeSecret.enabled=true" --set ""
Note that parseable.highAvailability.enabled=true
flag enables high availability mode. By default, the helm chart installs 3 Parseable ingest services and 1 Parseable query service. It also creates a ClusterIP
service for Parseable ingestors.
Access Parseable
Since we're running Parseable in a distributed mode, the ingestor service and querier services are different. Any log agent or client should send events to the parseable-ingestor-service
service. To expose the ingress service, you can use the following command:
kubectl port-forward svc/parseable-ingestor-service 8000:80 -n parseable
To access the Parseable UI, you'll need to expose the parseable-querier-service
kubectl port-forward svc/parseable-querier-service 8001:80 -n parseable
You should now be able to point your browser to http://localhost:8001 and see the Parseable login page. You can login with the values set in username
and password
fields in the parseable-env-secret
file above.
This section is for users using Parseable helm chart version 1.3.1
or previous. Parseable release v1.4.0
introduced a hot-tier mechanism for query nodes. Accordingly, the query nodes in the helm chart are now deployed as a StatefulSet
instead of a Deployment
. The helm chart version 1.4.0
and above removes the Deployment and creates a StatefulSet for query nodes.
Since distributed mode always runs with S3 store mode, the data is stored remotely and there is no manual migration required. If you face any issues during the upgrade, please reach out to us in the community Slack.