
pb is the client side, command line interface for Parseable. pb is built with the goal to provide a way to use familiar tools like jq, grep, cut, awk, sed etc over all of your log data on Parseable.

➜ pb --help

  pb [flags]
  pb [command]

Available Commands:
  autocomplete Generate autocomplete script
  cluster      Cluster operations for parseable.
  help         Help about any command
  profile      Manage different Parseable targets
  query        Run SQL query on a log stream
  role         Manage roles
  stream       Manage streams
  tail         Stream live events from a log stream
  user         Manage users
  version      Print version

  -h, --help      help for pb
  -v, --version   Print version

Use "pb [command] --help" for more information about a command.
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